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Domov / Foto reportaže - nordic / Smučarski skoki / Sezona 2012/13 / Novinarska konferenca po Vikersundu in MSP, Ljubljana, 29.01.2013 / 002 Ema Klinec Najboljše slike  Nove slike 
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068 Ted Ligety
068 Ted Ligety
(Klemen Zibelnik)
Svetovni pokal, Kranjska Gora, veleslalom, 09.03.2013
Komentarji: 0

002 Ema Klinec
Prejšnja slika:
001 Spela Rogelj, Katja Pozun, Ema Klinec, Ursa Bogataj  
 Naslednja slika:
003 Katja Pozun
002 Ema Klinec


002 Ema Klinec
Ključne besede:  
Datum: 29.01.2013 15:13
Ogledov: 2220
Prenos datotek: 0
Ocena: 0.00 (0 Glasov)
Velikost datoteke: 68.5 KB
Dodal: Klemen Zibelnik


Datum pridružitve: 19.03.2018
Komentarji: 21
Drying a wig should be done using a towel

First of all, you can use special clips to be able to hold your full lace wigs properly on your hair. Is your hair thick. In that case, a skull cap should be placed over your head before you put your human hair wigs on it. Are you suffering from baldness. If so, a double-sided tape is what you should use to be able to get your human hair wigs fixed on your scalp. Of course, you should also know the proper way to care for your wig. Here are some tips that you can use to make this possible. First and foremost, you must keep your scalp dry and not oily before putting your lace wigs uk on. Never forget to put your wig on a stand or a mannequin every after use. Don't wash your wig everyday because it could make it thinner. It is highly suggested to wash your brazilian hair uk after eight uses during summer. When winter comes, real wigs must be washed after the fifteenth use. Drying a wig should be done using a towel.
14.02.2019 08:08 Offline hoowei



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