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Domov / Foto reportaže - alpine / Alpsko smučanje / Sezona 2009/10 / Novinarska konferenca pred pričetkom sezone, Ljubljana, 19.10.2009 / 009 Andrej Jerman Najboljše slike  Nove slike 
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090 Jan Michalek
090 Jan Michalek
(Anna Libera)
FIS pokal, Frenstat, tekma, 30.08.2013
Komentarji: 0

009 Andrej Jerman
Prejšnja slika:
008 Andrej Sporn, Andrej Krizaj, Rok Perko, Gasper Markic  
 Naslednja slika:
010 Andrej Jerman
009 Andrej Jerman


009 Andrej Jerman
Ključne besede:  
Datum: 19.10.2009 20:33
Ogledov: 3057
Prenos datotek: 0
Ocena: 0.00 (0 Glasov)
Velikost datoteke: 24.2 KB
Dodal: Klemen Zibelnik


Datum pridružitve: 19.03.2018
Komentarji: 21
brought about by the memory of hair loss

Many people often associate human hair extensions uk with costumes for parties, for Halloween, for stage plays. But many fail to recognize the practical reason for brazilian hair bundles. For some, wearing hair wigs due to hair loss is a bit frivolous and indulgent. After all, why not just embrace your balding lace wigs uk it's what you'll have to deal for now on anyway. But it isn't that simple. A number of people suffer hair loss due to diseases and illness. Some lose their lace front wigs uk due to chemotherapy and other chemicals used to treat certain diseases. And, of course, we couldn't deny the fact that people do look differently at individuals with balding human hair extensions. Wearing hair pieces and wigs is one way of avoiding the shame brought about by hair loss not that hair loss is appalling or anything, the pain brought about by the memory of hair loss.
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